How Focused Is Your State Of Mind
mind is a powerful thing – it can take you through walls.” – Denis Avery
Each and every day we are all bombarded
with a series of events or situations which calls for a reaction. How we react
can determine how successful we are in life, and what type of mindset we have.
As human beings we are all unique,
therefore, it is not always easy to change certain beliefs, opinions or
feelings formulated over many years. We
often find ourselves in situations where we question ourselves as to why we act
and react in certain ways. We know, if
we are truly honest with ourselves, that we have certain traits which we do not
like, and as a result we keep making the same mistakes over and over again.
However, what we can do is confront them, learn how to deal with them and
create a new mindset. I have listed
below a few guidelines for your perusal.
The importance of listening is
so valuable, and never more so when you are listening to your inner voice,
which really knows what you feel and want. Fully understand your inner voice, and the mindset you create will
enable you to see situations through different eyes. Listen to the advice of others. Sound advice from someone who has been there
can never be underestimated, and can help change a mindset showing you the way
out of the woods.
To get everything into
perspective can be difficult and is very much dependent on each individual’s
circumstances. Sometimes we just have to
stand back and try to see the bigger picture. We live in a world of billions of
people, each with their own issues, large or small. By this realisation alone
we can list our own issues in terms of importance and we might be surprised to
discover just how unimportant some of them are, when compared with the villager
in India who simply wants to drink fresh water each day. By changing this mindset we are in fact
de-cluttering our minds and focusing on what really matters.
Bring happiness into your life
and enjoy some ‘soul food’. Happiness is
something you just cannot get enough of. Simply by adopting a more positive and
happier outlook, you will automatically feel more relaxed and at peace with the
world. Try spending some time each day doing something that makes you smile,
and watch as your happier state of mind follows.
Consider Others
This is where
appreciation for your own situation comes into play. Spending time in a generous manner, through
helping others or offering a kind word when needed, will give you the ability
to create a mindset which is open, giving and generous. When you make a difference, you leave a
footprint not only on this earth but in the minds of others, which has a
rebound effect on you.
Choose a form of relaxation
which suits you, preferably something which will enable you to clear your mind.
Yoga or meditations are wonderful tools to help you achieve inner peace and
outer tranquility. We often have to deal with stressful situations in our
lives, and if we can perfect the art of relaxing our minds, our stress levels
will decrease which has an overall beneficial effect on our body and creates a
mindset which does not center around chaos.
For many, changing your state of mind can
take a lifetime. The important thing to remember is never give up. Taking small,
sure steps will ensure a successful outcome with unlimited benefits. So go with
it, be open to it, and most of all believe you can do it and you will be able
to walk through walls.